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About Me

My name is Laura and I'm a a ghoulish gal who is a licensed mental health therapist with a large passion for creative expression! I've been a licensed therapist for almost 10 years, have nearly 15 years of experience in face and body paint, and am a certified and licensed Liquid Motion 1.0 (floorwork) instructor.


As a makeup artist, I've created looks for numerous music videos, photoshoots, and have even had my work published in several magazines. As a floorwork dancer, I've competed in the Pole Sport Organization twice, bringing home a gold and bronze medal for two different categories. As a therapist, I currently work with adults who live with mental illness that attend an outpatient day program. 


But my life wasn't always this way... 


I spent over 10 years feeling like shit - spending too much time in other people's heads to make sure their needs were met, feeling anxious about connecting and sharing my hobbies and interests, having difficulty standing up for myself with many people in my life, and I was the queen of invalidating my feelings. My anxiety got the best of me. I would second guess things, feel crazy, and often alone. No one place gave me immunity because this headspace followed me everywhere I went. Work, school, home, you name it. 


And after those long and dreadful 10 years I couldn't take it anymore! I was done feeling so disconnected from who I wanted to be, hell, who I knew I was deep down. I was so stressed all the time that I became sick and was having routine issues with my body.


I was tired of not feeling confident enough to express my true aesthetic or what was going on in my mind. I was tired of feeling scared, anxious, and sick.


Nothing was going to change for me if I didn't start acknowledging what was going on and take steps toward getting this under control. 


So I took the plunge of getting my mindset in order. Later, I got myself involved in support environments with like minded people. I picked up makeup projects, started pole dancing, and began practicing what I had been preaching to my therapy clients. I was absolutely terrified, but feeling how I feel now made it all worth it!

Combining my love for therapy and creativity I am here as your Confidence Coach and Creative Expression Expert to guide you in transforming your worry into confidence! 


I believe that awareness is key - so let's get started managing your mindset today! 


Thanks for submitting!

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